It was a while now that I didn't write a recent reads post, so it’s time to do it. I have been reading some really interesting books, in fact if you visit my goodreads account you would notice that all the books I rated lately have either 4 stars or 5 stars and that’s mainly because I became aware of the books I would enjoy just by the title and the author. it's like I finally found the genre that I prefer, it was a while now that I gave up on a book I started reading which is a good thing, right?
This book introduced me to the surrealist genre, the book follows the story of two characters kafka a fifteen year old boy who runs away from his home and Nakata a man who can speak with cats, every thing that happens in this book is so random, it was like rereading alice in wonderland again, I don't know if there is some deep philosophical explanations to what happens in this book, all I know is that I really enjoyed it, it's now a month that I finished it but I still remember every character on it even the cats Nakata spoke with.
The next books I read were le deuxieme sexe by Simone de Beauvoir and the vagina monologues by Eve Ensler;
When I was looking for books about the feminist movement, those two books would always show up, so I started with them, le deuxieme sexe is actually described by a lot of people by the feminist bible, I was curious to know why I know now this book is just amazing, it's like a history book written from a woman point of view, it was definitely not an easy read for me, and it made me sad to know how much ignorant I was about women about my own sexe but i'm glad I read it and I'm planning to read the second tome of it,
as for the second book which was the vagina monologues, I don't know what to say about this book, its idea is just genius, the author asked a bunch of women about their gavina, and the answers were sometimes funny others not that much. coming from a country where we get no sex eduction, no informations about our bodies even our moms don't bother to do that. I found this book really interesting we should study it at school, well I know this dream would never come true.
The last books I’m going to talk about are all graphic novels, I LOVE graphic novels I can read them all day long, well if I choose the right ones and this time I did.
La tectonique des plaques by Margaux Motin:
Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney:
A Distant Neighborhood by Jirō Taniguchi :
Those were the books I have been reading those couple of months, I really enjoyed every single one of them so much. what have you been reading?