Monday, December 26, 2016

أفضل عشر روايات قرأتها في سنة 2016

تشارف هته السنة على النهاية لنرحب بسنة أخرى جديدة، لن أقول الجملة الشهيرة " كم مرت هته السنة بسرعة ؟" لأني ببساطة اكره هته الجملة التي لن يقولها إلا شخص لم يقم بشيء أتناء سنته وإذا كنت تحس بأن السنة مرت بسرعة اقرأ بعضا من يومياتك أو شاهد الفيديوهات على اليوتوب التي تعرض أهم  أحدات السنة إدا كنت لا تكتب يوميات ستلاحظ أن السنة مرت بسرعتها الاعتيادية فقد حدث الكثير و الكثير استثمارنا للوقت هو الذي يعطينا ذلك الإحساس  أن السنة قد مرت بسرعة على ما أظن، على أية حال مرت بسرعة أو ببطء الشىء الوحيد المتأكد منه الآن هي أنها شارفت على النهاية لكن قبل أن أودع سنتي أردت أن أشارك معكم أفضل عشر روايات قرأنها هته السنة.

قرأت هته السنة ستة و ثلاثين كتاب بين روايات و قصص مصورة، أنا جد فخورة بهذا الرقم فعل القراءة ليس بالشيء السهل بالنسبة لي مع وجود كل تلك المغريات الأخرى كم هو سهل أن ترمي الكتاب و تشاهد مسلسل كوري آخر أو أن تتصفح إلى مالا نهاية تمبر أو انستغرام أو فيسبوك أو ببساطة أن تتأمل سقف غرفتكمل ...مع دلك سأحال السنة المقبل أن أقرأ أكثر إلى ذلك الحين أقدم أفضل عشر روايات قرأتها في سنة 2016:

-      _ Les justes de Albert Camus:

_ Le jour du roi d’ablellah taia:

-      _  Une mélancolie arabe de abdellah taia:

 _ السوق الداخلي لمحمد شكري:

   : اكره الحب لطه عدنان

-       _ Bel ami de Guy de Maupassant:

-       _ La métamorphose de Kafka:

-      _ Kafka sur le rivage de Haruki Murakami:

_ تاكسي لخالد الخميسي:

-       _ What I talk about when I talk about running  by  Haruki Murakami:

 هته القائمة ادن هي قائمة أفضل عشر كتب قرأتها و التي أنارت طريقي و رافقتني هته السنة، القائمة تنقصها القصص المصورة والتي سأخصص لها المقالة المقبلة إن شاء الله. أتمنى أن تكون السنة المقبلة مليئة بالكتب الجيدة و ان اتوفق في تحقيق ولو جزء من الاهداف التي سطرتها لها.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

My last reads for 2016

My last reads this year are two books that I was super excited to read: 

                    1.    What I talk about when talk about running by Haruki Marukami

      The book is a memoir by the author himself, an author that I love reading for so I wanted to know more about him, the book’s main subject is the interest and participation of the author in long distance running but also about how he became an author, so writing and running are what the book’s about, reading the book made me admire the author even more, and here are some quotes from the book that touched and inspired me.

“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.”

“Emotional hurt is the price a person has to pay in order to be independent.”

“Running every day is a kind of lifeline for me, so I’m not going to lay off or quit just because I’m busy. If I used being busy as an excuse not to run, I’d never run again. I have only a few reasons to keep on running, and a truckload of them to quit. All I can do is keep those few reasons nicely polished.”
“On the body of the bike is written “18 Til I Die,” the name of a Bryan Adams hit. It’s a joke, of course. Being eighteen until you die means you die when you’re eighteen.”

“Even if my time gets worse, I’ll keep on putting in as much effort— perhaps even more effort—toward my goal of finishing a marathon. I don’t care what others say— that’s just my nature, the way I am. Like scorpions sting, cicadas cling to trees, salmon swim upstream to where they were born, and wild ducks mate for life.”

“I started to run—simply because I wanted to. I’ve always done whatever I felt like doing in life. People may try to stop me, and convince me I’m wrong, but I won’t change.”

“No matter how long you stand there examining yourself naked before a mirror, you’ll never see reflected what’s inside.”

“One by one, I’ll face the tasks before me and complete them as best I can. Focusing on each stride forward, but at the same time taking a long-range view, scanning the scenery as far ahead as I can. I am, after all, a long- distance runner.”

“I dedicate this book to all the runners I’ve encountered on the road—those I’ve passed, and those who’ve passed me. Without all of you, I never would have kept on running.”

The book is amazing anyone that loves Haruki Murakami’s books and want to know more about the author himself should read this book.

    2.    Nomidia by Tarik Bkari

A book that I heard a lot about, since it was selected to win the International Prize for Arabic Fiction, but what made me actually read the book was its story that centers around the amazigh culture, the book was a huge disappointment, I didn’t like it at all, the story so depressing and the characters so boring. I just wonder if the people who reviewed this book had actually read it, the book is the first work of the author and you can sense that, there was a lot of mistakes and repetition sorry Tarik Bkari but it’s just my opinion.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

"Le mauvais genre " a graphic novel review

Hi friends;

Today’s post is a review of a graphic novel I have read a month ago, a book that got me thinking a lot, and helped me clarify a notion that I had little information about; I wanted to share also the little research I did about the subject mainly because of a video that went viral awhile now and showed how ignorant a lot of people are about that notion just like I was, so let’s get started.

The graphic novel’s name is “mauvais genre” the bad gender by Chloé Cruchaudet, what made me pick this book was its cover, which presents a women dressing a man a bra it looked like the story would be interesting which was the case, the story is the true story of Paul a soldier who would no longer stand his job during world war two and goes back to his city Paris, in order to not get recognize by authorities he would starts dressing up as a women, Paul will became Susanne for 12 years, after the amnesty he would go back to his old life as Paul yet nothing is as it used to be. The story’s main theme is gender and it was a term that I have heard about before but I never really paid attention to it, I just considered it as a synonym of sex while it’s not, gender is way complicated than sex.

Sex is just a biological classification, if a body produces ovals it’s classified as female if it produces sperm it’s classified as a male, the bodies that produces both or none are considered as intersex. While gender which took me longer to understand what it was is the person’s self representation as male or female, or how that person is responded to by social institutions based on the individual’s gender presentation. This is the simplest definition I could find, yet it’s still complicated, this video helped me understand more.

Back now to the book, so Paul was male by sex, yet his gender after 12 year of living like society wants or waits from a female to act, was torn between two genders beside the fact that he discovered that he was bisexual which is a different thing his sexual orientation wasn’t what made him go crazy by the end of the book, it was his gender he couldn’t accept nor understand that he was now after 12 years of being a women a transgender; this book made me realize that our gender isn’t like our sex that we are born with but is chapped by our society and the experiences we go through in our lives. 

What made me write this article was because one, I wanted to share a review about a book that I found so interesting, and well written and drawn, but also because of a video that have been getting a lot of buzz lately on facebook made by Adam lhlou or adouma like he calls himself, the video is either him acting or him being himself in both cases nothing justifies all the hate he got, all he’s doing is acting in what our society calls talking and acting a feminine way, which means he is different and that is something not well received by most people in this country, it’s like we all should be like this mental model they have in their mind to get their respect, any one with different gender than the usual would have some really hard time on this country, I’m not saying that this adam is transgender he could be like he couldn’t be a trans, but in both cases he’s hurting no one and a little research on the web and you would find out that he is normal or she is normal there is a lot of people just like him or her all around the word, gender is really complicated and no one has the right to judge others just because he belongs to the people considered normal according to society.

The problem is that some people or at least the ones commenting those really hateful comments on Adam videos are afraid to do that small research that would get them a bit knowledgeable and more tolerant and prefer to stay ignorant in that comfortable zone of ignorance, a really sad fact to end my post with but it’s the truth. 