I watched a
movie today about this girl whose name is saga, this 14 years old student will
arrive to this middle school with loud boys and shy and passive girls, the boys
were encouraged to continue like that thanks to their teachers and when Saga
arrives she’ll try to change that, things will happen and she’ll make a change even
though not that big but it’s change anyway; I loved this movie it’s funny I’m
23 years old that movie was destined to teens but whatever I like it anyway.
counting my days before the end of summer, it seems like I did nothing and I
feel guilty for waking up every day late. But to think about it, I read two
books not much but I read something, I traveled to Rabat for the first time,
and I did good in the tests I had in early august, I want to do more go out and
have fun but with who, it seems like my friends are busy with their lifes not
that I have much friends to start with, anyway if I want to spend those 10 days
that I still have left in my break I should learn to enjoy the company of
I really
want to enjoy the rest of my break but I won’t lie I’m so excited about the start
of the school year, it would be my second year teaching, last year was nerve
rocking, so many bad things had happened that quitting crossed my mind several
times, but this year I feel ready, ready to accept that it won’t be easy, ready
to learn, add to this the girls club we are planning to form my friend and I
plus the library I want to make for the pre schoolers, so many things to do, that’s why I’m supper excited.