Music is an important part of my everyday life,
sad or happy, while cooking, while reading ,to my way to school. music just
makes life better. who disagree?
Today I'm going to tell you about my favorite
Moroccan songs, the songs that I really like those days. so let’s start :
Number 5: bard o skhoun by Mohamed El Hayani
So Bard o skhoun is one of those songs
that never gets old or boring I love this version by jannat I also like the
original one my favorite part is :
هزيت عيني سرقت اشويفة
هادءة و لطيفة
ضحكة كتهبل
فيها شمس و فيها ظل
و يلا هز عيونو فيا
الحفيظ الله مشاو بيا
my sister and I have our own parody of this part
that's how much we love this song.
Number 4 : kouyi by Latifa Raafat
سال عني من حين لحين
ديرني فبالك و ذكرني
و شكون من غيرك يا
يعرف حالي و يعذرني
عاشقك من مدة و سنين
وخا تقسى و تهجرني و يا
سال عليا عفاك
عفاك يا خيي خيي فكر فيا عفاك
عفاك يا خيي خيي
Khouyi 3malni men hbabek, this song is so
beautiful, I love the sound of the word khouyi, we can’t translate it to
brother it has a much deeper meaning than brother, too bad we don’t use this
word much those days.
Number 3: Fathallah lamghari - faynak a
I love so much this song, the weird thing is
that the lyrics are sad, they are about a man searching for his lover who left
him, but listening to it makes me so happy, and the cause is the singer;
fathallah lamghari. he's one of those singers that just looking at them
makes you happy, he has a contagious smile. I heard other singers cover this
song, but no one can sing it as good and as simple as he does.
Number 2: Bahija Idriss - Atchana
This song is so sweet, talks about a woman that
suffers from a one sided love. the lyrics are so beautifully written and have
such a deep meaning.
الماء يجري قدامي
صافي مثل البلار
وأنا قضيت أيامي
عطشان مكوي بالنار
بالله عليك يا الهانئ
ما ترجع حتى تجاوب
قلبي في حبك ذايب
فيها عجايب فيها مصايب
Number 1 is: Bachir Abdou-Wanta dayz
I love bachir ABDO's voice so much, and in
this song in particular. I can't get enough of it. the lyrics and the melody
are so nice. I'm addicted to this song.
وانت دايز طلل علينا ،وانت دايز طلل علينا
وانت دايز طل علينا شوفنا واش احنا لاباس طلل علينا
والمركب لين وصل لين وصل بينا
والمركب لين وصل لين وصل بينا
والمركب لين وصل لين وصل بينا
والمركب لين وصل بينا بحور الدنيا وسط الناس طلل علينا
طالبين سويعه لينا ،طالبين
وايلي فوتي القياس
شوف اوكان وفكر وا فكر فينا
حن خلي قلبك يرطاب
خلي الهنا يرجع يرجع يرجع لينا
بعار الله مالك الابواب
بعار الله مالك الابواب
Those are my best 5 moroccan songs for now, I
think as moroccans we are so blessed to have such a beautiful and rich
repertoire. so what are your favorite moroccan songs?
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