Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Random thoughts #3

Back to school

So ya congratulation to me I got accepted at the school I had in mind to get to, it felt nice to be back to school after a year wandering around, at least I know what I’ll be doing this year; It fells also odd to be back to school especially that I got used to studying in a class where there is more than 300 student, now it’s like returning back to high school my class has only 29 student, I got used to never participate we didn't had to, the teacher just keep talking and us the rest of the class listen, it’s not the case anymore and it’s a little bit stressing me out but it’s ok I’ll get used to the new atmosphere; I’m glad I got accepted and I’m going to do my best, last year was really hard on me I felt so helpless, not this year.


What a beautiful word “independence” my ultimate dream, I feel like I need to live that experience of living on my own, dealing with the daily life problems on my own I just envy people who live like that, well I only see them in movies or on youtube because around me no one seem to have any problem living with their parents even at their thirties. it’s just a cultural thing, every time I tell a friend about my dream he just start talking about how weird I am and that I should be grateful for having parents that support me, they just don’t understand when I first started working during summer it hit me how cruel this word is and how much dad and mom did for me and I’m way grateful for all they did for me. me wanting to be independent doesn't have any thing to do with me being ungrateful at all, me wanting to be independent has everything to do with me wanting to know more this word, to know truly who I am and me wanting to grow and that it is that really hard to be understood??


So I started posting videos on youtube, and I truly don’t know why maybe boredom maybe it’s just fun to film yourself thinking out loud, and capture moments in life but why make them public??? Especially that I film with my mediocre quality camera phone, sometimes we just do thing because we feel like doing them that’s why.

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